Bans in Thailand, behavior in the country, what a tourist should know!


Thailand is an exotic country that differs from world culture and European worldview. So what is not recommended to do in Thailand? Well, dear travelers, is this your first time going to rest here? Then you should consider a few rules that every tourist must follow here. By the way, book hotels in Thailand through the RoomGuru hotel booking service, the only service with a huge base of apartments in the Asian part of our planet.

Which rules? You ask, I have lived in this country for six months and during this time I have seen enough of this with Russian tourists, from which I want to fence you off. Many tourists go to Thailand forgetting about everything in the world, behave like a pig, buy drugs, drink excessively and walk in Pattaya at night in search of prostitution.

First of all, I want to say that you cannot drink alcohol in public places, for this you can be fined a good amount of money, with me many such Russian tourists were taken straight to the police. From them, in principle, it was clear that they first arrived in an exotic country and did not know how to behave when visiting.

The population of the state is mostly religious, despite the fact that the Russian Christian people are moving more and more for permanent residence. The religion of the population of Thailand is Buddhism and therefore it is absolutely not recommended to offend their senses and Buddha! If you decide to visit the temple, do not forget to put something on top of your clothes and cover your legs, bare torso and legs are an insult to religion. And of course, shoes, they must be removed.

I forgot to mention the island of monkeys, feed them very carefully, and do not let the children feed the monkeys at all. It's not safe at all! A lot of tourists deal with the consequences of bites and give a lot of money for a medical examination, which in Thailand is not cheap at all. Also watch out for pockets and jewelry, such as on women's ears, yes, monkeys love to do this.

It is also forbidden to point your index finger and poke at someone. If you see the Thai currency lying on the ground, then you do not need to step on it, it is considered bad form and disrespect for the country's population, and you can even end up in jail. Don't spit on the ground in front of you, Thais don't like that.

And, of course, drugs, if you don't think of transporting or using them on the territory of Thailand - this is the death penalty without pardon!

Having lived here for almost six months, I communicated with many Thais. Believe it or not, Russians are not very popular in Thailand! All Thais here live only by trying to make money on tourists, they just have to smile at every trick of our tourist, but this is a completely different story about which I will tell further.

I also forgot to mention prostitution, the entire police keep prostitution under special control and is the patron of this highly profitable business. I already talked about in an article about a trip to Pattaya, where I talked about the nightlife of this city, and so, my advice to you, do not overdo it with prostitution, otherwise there will be problems, do not touch the night girls again.

I don't know whether you believe me or not, but according to statistics, mostly single and unmarried young people go here in search of adventures on the side, I think you understand what I mean, therefore, the city is in another language - a city of night rest.

All the best excursions in Pattaya, what to see and prices →

I have already described a lot of truthful information, I advise you to go to the "rest in Thailand" section and find your questions by the titles of the articles. Especially a beginner will be interested to know what awaits you on vacation, what sights you should see first of all, and be sure to read about my diving experience. Do not forget about the bans in Thailand, travel with interest and read about everything fascinating in the world on my website
